Baaqir Yusuf

Inciting behavior change with scenario-based video learning

January 23, 2024

In the rapidly evolving landscape of corporate training and development, the quest for effective, impactful, and engaging educational methods is continuous. Suora positions itself at the forefront of this evolution, leveraging the power and depth of cinematic video production to revolutionize executive education and leadership training.

At Suora, we’re adapting the best-in-class video technology paired with top-tier production expertise to inspire a new paradigm of human learning. By marrying the technical expertise involved in video production with human learning models and frameworks that develop leaders across the world, we can inspire positive change across workforces. Our creative and technical approach, paired with principles found in the Kirkpatrick Model and Bloom's Taxonomy, underscores the profound impact of video production in fostering meaningful behavioral change within the workforce.

For context, The Kirkpatrick Model is one of the most well-known and widely used frameworks for evaluating the effectiveness of training programs. Developed by Dr. Donald Kirkpatrick in the 1950s, this model provides a comprehensive, four-level approach to assess training interventions. It helps organizations determine whether their training initiatives are impactful and how they can be improved.

Bloom's Taxonomy is a framework for categorizing educational objectives into levels of complexity and specificity. It was created by Benjamin Bloom and his colleagues in 1956 and has since been revised. The taxonomy is often used by educators to design curriculum, instruction, and assessment tools. It consists of six major categories, which in the revised version are: Remember, Understand, Apply, Analyze, Evaluate, and Create. Each category has a set of verbs associated with it that can be used to formulate learning objectives, activities, and assessment questions.

The Essence of Video in Training: A Multifaceted Approach

At the heart of our methodology is a recognition that learning is a multi-dimensional process. Video production allows us to tell stories. With storytelling, we gain the ability to touch hearts and inspire behavioral change. Video as a medium for learning has a unique and powerful capacity to blend visuals, narratives, and simulations, and aligns seamlessly with the cognitive processes outlined in these learning frameworks. From the foundational levels of remembering and understanding to the more complex stages of applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating, videos offer a dynamic and versatile medium for educational content delivery.

Level 1: Capturing Attention and Building Engagement

The first level of the Kirkpatrick Model emphasizes the importance of reaction - how learners respond to the training material. Videos, with the ability to storytell, grab viewers, and appeal visually, excel in capturing attention and building engagement. This initial engagement is crucial, as it sets the stage for deeper learning, resonating with the 'Remember' and 'Understand' stages of Bloom's Taxonomy. By presenting information in an engaging and accessible format, video helps lay the groundwork for effective learning whether it’s a lecture format or scenario-based course.

Level 2: Enhancing Understanding and Retention

As we ascend to the second level of the Kirkpatrick Model, focusing on learning, video-based scenarios provide a rich context for understanding and retention. Complex concepts are distilled into relatable and digestible content, facilitating a deeper understanding that is crucial for the 'Apply' stage of Bloom's Taxonomy. This contextualization not only aids in knowledge acquisition but also ensures that the information is retained and internalized. Additionally, the ability to showcase on-screen graphics paired with the auditory learning that happens during the lecture or scenario, the learner is able to both read and listen to the information that they are receiving.

For example, we’ve developed a process around creating custom on-screen graphics at scale through the utilization of motion graphics templates in Adobe After Effects and Adobe Premiere Pro. We discuss this process in depth in a previous blog The courses we develop all incorporate a high-volume of graphics due to this approach which drives costs down and enables organizations to incorporate them, which supplement viewers' learning experience and truly help them retain the information they are engaging with.

Level 3: Facilitating Real-World Application and Behavioral Change

Perhaps the most significant impact of video production in executive education is observed at the third level of the Kirkpatrick Model - behavior. Video simulations of workplace scenarios offer a mirror to the real world, allowing executives to visualize and comprehend the practical application of their learning. This method aligns with the higher-order cognitive skills of 'Analyzing' and 'Evaluating' in Bloom's Taxonomy, where learners are encouraged to dissect and scrutinize concepts. By providing a safe space to explore the consequences of decisions and actions, videos foster a deeper understanding and encourage the translation of learning into behavior.

For example, we work to develop and design production sets that mirror real-life workplace scenarios regardless of the organization. For a past project with Meta, we studied and researched the look and feel of a Meta office for an internal course we developed for manager training, so the learners could place themselves inside of the learning modules. 

Level 4: Driving Organizational Success

Finally, at the apex of the Kirkpatrick Model, we find results. Video-based training programs are uniquely positioned to align with and drive organizational goals. By tailoring content to reflect the specific challenges, objectives, and culture of a company, these programs can directly contribute to improved performance, productivity, and leadership effectiveness. This strategic alignment ensures that the training not only benefits the individual but also propels the organization towards its broader objectives.

Tracking learning outcomes is crucial to understanding impact amongst learners, and our video process allows for specific, dedicated results-based tracking systems to be developed around what your organization’s learning objectives are. Whether it’s through knowledge surveys post-course or analytics derived from your choice of LMS, it’s important to understand how your learners and organization are responding to your instructional design processes and how to re-tailor them for future initiatives to drive the most effective learning.

In conclusion, the integration of video production in executive education and leadership training offers a robust and effective pathway for fostering behavioral change. By aligning with the principles of the Kirkpatrick Model and Bloom's Taxonomy, Suora Studios not only enhances the learning experience but also ensures that this learning is deeply embedded, leading to tangible improvements in individual and organizational performance. As we continue to navigate the complexities of the corporate world, the role of video in shaping the leaders of tomorrow remains not just relevant, but indispensable.

Check out a featured project case study below.

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